Friday, July 27, 2018

Decanting Connection - through wine and people

They say that the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I would share that tonight the people who form part of this gathering proved that to be true. Through genuine connection what started out like an uncertain social event brought with it the certainty that you can always find similarities in other beautiful souls, if you are open and opened to it. 

Just like when a bottle of fine wine releases all of its essence and most wonderful flavors when it is decanted, this night taught that: so do individuals. 

Reflecting on these moments is fulfilling because they are a clear example that as human's our ultimate resource is our ability to create happiness and as a result emerge in a natural state of pure enjoyment.   

By being present and giving to each other, these complete strangers gifted one another with what the soul seeks: a higher intent of connection. 

Magnificent creations cannot be overseen for our lives are not just meant to be livable; rather, they are meant to be memorable.

Here's to your sauce! 

With gratitude to all of you,

Chris Palasz 
FB: @higherintent  

Friday, June 15, 2018

Real, True and Pure Friendships

Real True & Pure Friendships 

There's something incredibly special about bonds created with high school pals at 16. That was the case for me anyway. I believe it to be due to two factors: the innate passion you carry in this stage of life and the juice you bring to every single experience.  It is powerful, it is intense, it is vibrant and (ultimately) the best way to live. 

This weekend I was fortunate to reunite with the group of friends that bring out these emotions in me and I could see the feelings were -forever- mutual.  It had been just over a decade since the last time I saw these fine guys, guys, guys and I was mesmerized to see how our RTP friendship came to float just within a few minutes of being together.  

A little background. Back in 1996 my family -who was living in Toronto at the time- decided to move back to Lima, Peru. It was heartbreaking (literally). What hurt the most at that time was having to leave such a strong tie with such an amazing group of people - the boys! Don't be misguided by the word: boys. These are all fearless beings with immense hearts willing to do it and try it all, at least once anyway. This created a huge synergy and vibrancy amongst us all and raised the bar when it came to future friendships. The word friends certainly acquired a new meaning due to what we knew to be true through these gentlemen. 

It was something so real, true and pure that rather than everything becoming history, it all become a Story. When we see each other we certainly share these and we do it well. There's intent! We tell the stories with pride and 99.9% of the time we act them out just as they took place; doing it any other way would not be the same. These make for a hard, loud, hand clapping piss your p...kind of laugh. You hear me..? You feel me..?

So what could be better? Well...appreciating the moment, while remaining in the present and focusing on creating new memorable experiences is always an option. And, that's exactly what happened this weekend. 

Details, details...

Well one of our besties -Eric- tied the knot, which was the reason we all came together.  At his wedding, the dancing ballerina Dave -who we really call "Newf" put on a show by sharing old but fresh tasty stories and by busting moves on the dance floor. Such as..?  Well, good old leg kicks, a couple superman's (how's you back doing buddy..?) some hardcore spins and he might've even tried the splits (who knows!). It was epic! Phil, another solid friend (we'll leave his nickname out as he doesn't really like it.) showed tremendous presence, was willing and all for doing. He savored each moment in style and had a smile to go with it all. Corrado (the Italian Stallion) showed up with the same heart and integrity that characterizes him and within minutes had organized a gathering at his parent's home for the very next day, where he welcomed us all (as usual) so we could enjoy the great gift of friendship and just being. Talk about a phenomenal host! Mr. just married - Eric-  gave us an amazing surprise and joined us the very next day of saying "I do.." and shared the love amongst all while he entertained us with some past and current stories allowing us to get caught up. And of course, my brother Jay who out of pure love for his friends flew himself from Peru with the only purpose of enjoying every single moment amongst his life long friends. Talk about knowing what's important in life. 

This is an honor and I feel fortunate to have been able to reconnect with the most outstanding group of men I know.  "This, is what we came for" I thought to myself. Eric's wedding was magnificent and to say that we made the most out of it, is an understatement. Evidently, it was also a significant reason to take joy in what we all wanted: to immerse ourselves with that JUICE that fuels each of us to that higher intent level of living.  Talk about living the moment! 

You get the pic? So, the message ends with this: "We are beautiful souls and beings of God that when unleashed can only offer the very best of us; hence, we are very aware that we are solely responsible for feeling what we want to feel and because of it we decide that we will not seek happiness but rather we shall create it, right here and now."

Here's to living with that juice, unleashing that tiger and living with higher intent. 


Chris Palasz

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Las dos fuerzas que nos controlan: El placer y el dolor.

Solía pensar que el cambio era complicado; a veces, hasta imposible (sé que muchos piensan igual). 

Por lo mismo, decidí hacer algo al respecto. Me empecé a educar sobre cómo es que nuestro cerebro funciona para tomar decisiones.  Lo que encontré fue fascinante.  Lo fundamental y lo que hoy me gustaría compartir con ustedes es que existen dos fuerzas que nos controlan.  Estas son:  el deseo de obtener placer y evitar el dolor (o sufrimiento). 

Tradicionalmente el placer lo relacionamos con satisfacción o el bien.  El dolor, por otro lado, tiende a ser asociado con malestar o inclusive al miedo.

Mientras leía los ejemplos de cómo es que estas fuerzas funcionan, no podía evitar aplicarlos a mi propia vida y recordar cuáles fueron los sentimientos (ahora fuerzas) que me llevaron a tomar aquellas decisiones. 

De esta forma, me percaté que existen ciertas creencias dentro mío que asocio al dolor y otras al placer. Y en base a eso, tomo mis decisiones.  La influencia es real y estas dos energías existen, actuando como fuentes regidoras. 

Entonces, por ejemplo, si alguien me pregunta si me gustaría ir a probar parapente y yo asocio esta actividad al miedo, mi respuesta será un automático "no" ya que, para mí, esto equivaldría a dolor = sufrimiento. Por el contrario, bajo el mismo ejemplo, si tengo ligado un sentimiento de aventura y asocio el goce a este tipo de actividades, mi respuesta será un sólido "sí". Viéndolo así, aceptar que mi decisión fue hecha por una mera asociación en mi sistema nervioso resulta algo perturbador.  

Créanlo, esta simple evaluación puede ser aplicada a cada toma de decisión.   Sin duda, factores como creencias, estados de ánimo, valores y necesidades que debemos satisfacer, también impactan nuestras decisiones y comportamientos.  Sin embargo, desde una perspectiva existencial, la decisión estará basada, primordialmente, en saber si el resultado que asociamos a la experiencia será uno que conlleva a dolor o placer. 

La buena noticia es que esto tiene una razón de ser clara y simple y una vez que somos conscientes de la misma y sabemos que hacer al respecto, la vida cambia para mejor en un instante.  

Una vez digerido esto, internalicé que yo también he sido un esclavo de mi propia mente = consciente + inconsciente.  De esta forma comprendí que mi libertad (en su significado más auténtico) ha sido limitada por este fenómeno.  

Reconociendo este hecho, y deseando más que nada volver a mi identidad innata de auto expresión y control como ser humano (lo que soy y para que lo que Dios me regalo vida) me ordeno a adoptar nuevas creencias ya mismo con absoluta seguridad y certidumbre, y establecer lo siguiente. 

La vida cambia cuando sé que: 
  • Gozo de poder de decisión.
  • Para transformarme a mí mismo y al mundo que me rodea soy capaz de controlar mis pensamientos y el proceso en el que genero los mismos. Y entiendo que para lograr esto, los rituales son fundamentales.  
  • Soy el único responsable por mi comportamiento y sentimientos.  No puedo culpar a otro por ellos.
  • El pasado no equivale el futuro.  El presente es el "aquí y ahora" y por ende, representa el momento indicado para crear lo que yo desee.

Al ser únicos, cada uno de nosotros, tenemos valores y creencias que nos forman. Por lo mismo, lo único que pretendo a través de este mensaje, es hacer una reflexión y compartirla con la intención de que les sirva. El tesoro más preciado que tenemos es nuestro tiempo y darle el debido valor a esta variable es esencial. Si realmente deseamos aprovechar la vida y todo lo hermoso que nos ofrece para vivirla a pleno, el uso adecuado del tiempo es la prioridad.

Mi propósito está definido porque tengo muy presente que este trayecto sí tiene fecha de vencimiento, y así el sentido de la vida se vuelve sencillo. Debemos usar el tiempo de la forma que aporte mayor valor y significado a nuestra vida. 

Hoy les sugiero reflexionen lo siguiente: si existe algún área de su vida (son 8) con la cual no están del todo satisfechos, no esperen más para hacer algo al respecto, aprovechen el tesoro del tiempo y creen "calidad de vida" ahora.

Les aseguro que su decisión conjuntamente con acción los llevará a una vida plena, feliz, de gratitud y de satisfacción.

Para aquellos que ya hacen todo esto, los felicito de corazón! 

Vivan con intención, 

Chris Palasz.

Soy libre de mis pensamientos.  Me enfoco en asociar el placer a todo lo que deseo en mi vida. Mi identidad es mi núcleo. Mi estado es mi herramienta más valiosa. El poder de decisión y de transformación me pertenece a mí.” 

Si esto les ayudó, sirvió, despertó algo en ustedes, iluminó o simplemente les gustó, les pediría me sigan en FB: @higherintent y mi blog #inmysauce. Cualquier comentario o pregunta:

Estoy aquí para servirles!

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Natural shine.

You have to love those thoughts that randomly come to you in the middle of the night.  Milk and cookies, anyone?  Besides that, a few nights ago, I was pondering about how one thing that all human beings have in common is our singularity. No one is identical.  God's divinity created us all equal but made sure to keep our uniqueness intact. (Thank God...literally!) Trying to wrap my mind around this ideal dazzles me.  What this means is that every single soul has been granted the opportunity to shine in its entirety on its own.  No support needed. No help from family, friends, colleagues, community or society. 

Rather, the power to light up our souls is determined by a decision we make everyday. The choices are two: light or no light - simple! Framing it this way, goes to show how our spirit will always radiate if we so choose to.

It becomes apparent that what's in question here is not our soul's ability to glow (that's its natural state) but our commitment to the decision we make at a conscious level to let it be so and understanding that  -in this plane- we are solely responsible. 

Knowing this is great. Understanding it is even better. Applying it is a powerful resource.  

Once we truly connect with this realization our energy  flows naturally, our body's move freely, our minds are in peace and our hearts gift love in abundance. Feeling this emotion results in experiencing incredible joy at both a spiritual and human level, integrating the two. Hence, in deciding to live each day from our higher intent we fire up our souls, reclaim our oneness and get a ticket to feel massive joy.  

Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

To your sauce,

Chris Palasz

Monday, February 5, 2018

To keep your momentum - be sure to know your why!

The New Year is off to a great start and progress is on track. And, if you're shaking your head in an affirmative manner to this statement, I commend you!  I know staying focused on your outcome(s) is not always easy.  They say life gets in they way and "they" are right.

Indeed - things happen and they can definitely interfere with our desires if, we don't have the following two things well defined and in place:

1. Referencing my last post: "Appreciate your desires - they speak to who you are", which pinpoints the importance in recognizing your moments of clarity and paying due attention to them; we must also,

2. Answer the WHY. Generally speaking, this concept refers to knowing the reason(s) why you want something. Naturally, this tool results to be a powerful one if  applied correctly. Let me explain this through a simple example.  

I say to myself: I would love to learn to speak Spanish because it sounds cool.
Now, three years have gone by and all I can still manage to say is: hola, gracias and (of course)  una cerveza, por favor.

What happened with this wish; what happened to my desire?  I was certainly clear about what I wanted and sounded passionate about it (hence using the words: "..would love to..") yet, I did nothing to accomplish it.  The reason for this behavior is simple: I did not have a compelling reason why, in other words, I did not have a big enough reason to start with.

After having a moment of lucidity and making the decision to commit to it,  it is essential to (now) have a big enough reason that will guarantee commitment and assure completion. Under this scenario, the same example might sound like this:  I am going to learn to speak Spanish because I want to add value to myself as a person and be able to connect with people in this tongue as I am convinced doing so will allow me to get to know them and get exposed to the culture in a completely different way and level. That is an opportunity I can't let slip in my lifetime.   

Under this scenario I've decided to be very clear with my desire and  at the same time, I've given myself a compelling reason (the juice) to assure I accomplish it. Unquestionably, the individual who puts this into practice will have a very different perspective on the final outcome than the person who just wants to.

Through this example, we are able to see how our why is more than just a reason to do something. When put into practice our why equals the juice we need to fuel our desire and make sure we don't stop until it is done. It's a game changer. You might've also heard some people refer to this concept as your drive.  

The good news is that we all posses this drive, it lives in us. Some of us are just better at calling to it, than others.  But, that too can change with proper guidance.

Here, the intent is that you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the real value that comes from creating a compelling enough reason that serves as fuel to assure that you accomplish what you most utterly desire and commit to it.  

Another way of saying this might be: fuel your hunger with drive (your why) and you'll start to experience real change.

To your sauce!

Live with Higher Intent.

Contact me today for a free strategy session.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Appreciate your desires - they speak to who you are.

Many times, people say to me: Chris I know what I want; I just don't know if I have what it takes to  go after it. Others, say: I know what I want, I just don't know how to go about to accomplish it.

To these respectful beings, I say: "I honor you for your sincerity and honesty." By admitting this, all you've done is take the first step towards creating change. Expressing your wish to the universe and admitting you need some stars to align in order for it to become a reality is how we begin to create. Through this simple action what you've (already) accomplished is connect with your true internal desire. This is bliss, remember: clarity is power!

This simple act of announcing it represents a turning point because it defines the line between where your life is and where you want it to be.

Embrace the beauty in this noble act and appreciate its true meaning.  This is you. This is your clarity speaking from within. This is you, shining your light. This is you wanting to give and share yourself with the world.  And, this is you wanting to maximize the time you have to enjoy and seek joy in this life.  Exploit it.  Appreciate your desire first.  Then, let's make a plan to take action that moves you closer to your desired life and lifestyle. You deserve it.

To your sauce!

Live with higher intent.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy 2018 - to your clarity!

A new year has just begun and we should feel blessed, full of bliss and (of course) in our Sauce! (Be sure to check my introductory post: "Welcome to in my sauce!" )

Personally, I encounter it ready to let gratitude accompanied by hard work, strong belief and faith take over. I do this because (fortunately) the outcome is clear.  I know every step I take is one that moves me closer towards my happily after.

To assure clarity remains for the next 365 days – every morning- I nurture my mind and (more importantly) connect my heart to a gem: a message from Disney’s happily ever after, which wisely and wholeheartedly relays:

“…Ready to begin, let the wonder take hold. Feel it draw you in, watch the moments unfold. Spark a dream that we’re meant to follow, setting out for a new tomorrow...

Every step we take brings a new hope - a new day. Every choice we make helps us find our own way. Every wish finally put into motion diving in with our hearts wide open...  The Story comes alive, a new adventure there in your eyes. Is just beginning, let your heart beat faster, reach in and find your happily ever after…”


This exercise quickly puts things into perspective and lets me focus on what’s truly important.  It serves as my guiding emperor of what it means for me to have a plentiful and successful day. 

These days, to have clarity is an imperative luxury because of everything it represents and does for us. For this exercise's purpose, clarity signifies: Knowing what you want, why you want it and how to go about to get it. By doing this, you organize the cerebral puzzle our rational needs to understand the steps to take and align it with human emotion (state needed to decide and take action). 

This concept serves as a valuable guide in this noisy world and gifts us with direction. Once we gain this clarity we solute the opportunity to take action (move forward) produce results and as a result have peace of mind.  For this reason I describe clarity as an imperative luxury. It is a crucial treat we must give to ourselves daily;  if it lacks, it will show in every area of our lives.

As my wise coach, the great Palmucci, always told me when he sensed me feeling scattered in any way: Clarity is power. Know your outcome. Then, take action. And, in his words: ACE it, Chris; ACE it! A.C.E stands for “Action Cures Everything”.

ACE! What a magnificent revelation.  When you want peace of mind, take action!

Taking action automatically puts you in motion; hence, giving you a sense of accomplishment.

Viewed this way, we see that -essentially-  the term peace of mind speaks to clarity. Clarity (again) is: knowing what you want, why you want it and how to get it. Of course, while remaining in state of certainty.

Putting this into practice generates progress and when we see the results and achieve our desired outcome we feel happy.

As it was a desired outcome, we feel accomplished. That sense of accomplishment brings us fulfillment. Feeling fulfilled is the Mecca of our spiritual needs. This process brings everything full circle. Experiencing it is what makes us feel in our sauce.

So, our journey begins here and now. We are changed by the way we live every day. All you have to do is decide. 

Here's to your clarity, being in your sauce and creating your happily ever after - happy 2018!

I look forward to serving you.

“…Each of us has a dream – a heart’s desire. It calls to us! And, when we’re brave enough to listen and bold enough to pursue it, that dream will lead us to a journey to discover who we’re really meant to be. All we have to do is look into our hearts and unlock the magic within.”    
(Walt Disney)