Thursday, December 14, 2017

Welcome to: In My Sauce!

As I write this -here and now- I must say, I feel "in my sauce!"

I grin as I say this because -while I am familiar with this saying in Spanish (“estoy en mi salsa!”)- I am not sure I’ve ever heard this phrase used in English.  I certainly recall shouting it out a few times though.

The thing is, this phrase carries such intrinsic energy that it’d be a crime not to share its meaning. Simply put, this saying is a manifestation of what every person wants in and out of life: to feel joy!  And, to be in your sauce symbolizes just that.  This is why, this time I communicate this, with the intent to put this phrase to its best possible use and project everything that this short and sweet maxim stands for, defines and means for the benefit of humanity.

The outcome; simple: to feel fully alive!

To be and feel fully alive is our God given gift - to experience it, our right and our decision. 

Why feel this now?  The way I like to reflect on this question is to (first) remind myself that we only we get one chance to do so. Second, my desire is to make sure you do so as well.  And, third of all,  if not now, when? 

I invite you to take this journey with me as we begin to create your most special, enriching and fulfilling experience by designing your ideal and desired sauce; the kind that defines you and you can fully share with the world every single day. 

To your sauce!